Welcome to our library…..the learning centre of the school!
Vincentia Public School library is a child-centred, flexible, and dynamic teaching and learning space with resources to engage and inspire students. We have excellent reading and research choices for students of all ages, learning styles and interests, and have created relaxing reading areas. The collection supports all Key Learning Areas and provides curriculum support and guidance for staff. In addition to our excellent print collection, the library also boasts a huge interactive screen, break out screens, a bank of chromebooks, computers and laptops, and robotics including Microbits, Little Bits, Spheros, Ozobots, Edison robots, mBots and Dash.
The library is staffed by qualified Teacher Librarian, Denae Coventry, with support from library assistant, Abbey Lewis.
Your child will use the library for many different purposes as they progress through school…..research, coding and robotics, digital citizenship, playing games, creating on the “Epic Lego Wall”, or just relaxing and hanging out with friends.
There are always extra activities taking place in our library, including a Code Club facilitated by volunteer Mr Phillip Brown.
Bebras: The Bebras Challenge runs twice a year with students from Stage 2 and 3 participating. Bebras is an international student Computational Thinking Challenge with Bebras Australia run by CSIRO Education and Outreach through the Digital Careers program. The goal is to promote Computational Thinking to students in a way that highlights student ability beyond Science or Maths skills.
Premier's Reading Challenge: All students in Kindergarten to year 2 participate in the the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Students in years 3 to 6 are encouraged to also participate. Check out the website for more information.
Digital Citizenship: Digital Citizenship lessons are taught in the library where teachers and the teacher librarian work closely together to ensure students have a sound understanding of how to keep themselves safe when online and what to do if they ever feel uncertain about something. The Office of the Children's
eSafety Commissioner has excellent resources for parents and carers.